Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Testing yet another blog app

Good news everyone, I'm still technically alive. Although I feel like a slug (no offense to slugs) that I have not been posting more of my work. I haven't been a complete slacker these last few months. There were some major computer hurdles that I needed to overcome first, but all that is done and I can relax and get to the good stuff of putting my work online. I am really bummed that I missed this weeks Illustrated Friday. The topic was midsummer evening. There a lot of great entries.

What does everyone think of this drawing? The noble octopus, what a fascinating creature.  This drawing turned out really well. Until next time, keep drawing.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just some photos I should have posted awhile ago, but like didn't and stuff.

Ok, I am really bad at blogging. I think it's because I can upload photos to Facebook and Flikr from my phone, but not really to blogger. Does anyone know of a good Android app for blogger? If you tell me, I'll post more pictures of my work.

So the pictures I'm putting up today where taken almost 2 years ago of a band called "We Were Promised Jetpacks". These guys are awesome. Not just like, oh hey, Weezer had a new song out and it was awesome. I mean, they are really awesome. I don't know just how long they have been around, but they only have one album, called these Four Walls. Another neat fact is that they are from Scotland, land of strong warm beer. Their sound is a little punk rock, but they do it well. All the songs are packed with emotion that only comes from a new band of kids accessorizing their sleeves with their hearts.
Looking through the picture folder, I also found a video I took with my camera. The audio and visual quailites are not great, but it's a little tiny camera, so cut it some slack. This song is called "Quite little voices" and is the beginning of the song.