Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Good news everyone! Bregelle and I made it mostly unharmed from our day snowboarding at Sun Valley. Oh my yes, it was a beautiful day to be out in the open air. I took some pictures to show you all and also a video.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Theory of Flight, a finished work of art

It's too early in the morning for me to be witty about my descriptions, perhaps after a few hours of sleep. Thanks for looking.

The Theory of Flight, a work in progress

Flight, one of man's greatest accomplishments. Some day we may even get to have our own personal flight devices. That'd be a fun day...anyways, just thought that I would post my works in progress. I should have it finished tonight, I just needed a break.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Phone Call

I would have to say that the colors are a little dark with this piece, but I hope the story gets across anyways. I don't have the time to write it out, but it's not happy. Also, this is my first watercolor I've done in about 6 years, just thought I would throw that out there, you know...