I would have to say that the colors are a little dark with this piece, but I hope the story gets across anyways. I don't have the time to write it out, but it's not happy. Also, this is my first watercolor I've done in about 6 years, just thought I would throw that out there, you know...
the troll doll is a nice touch, along with the signature being on the phone, however for a story that unhappy I would have made it look like the walls were closing in on him even more than you show......nice job for using watercolor! "that there medium, she be difficult!"
So did he just find out that the pizza place was closed?
No, this is a true story where the young man(scizophrenic)killed his girl friend, called his parents three times; the third time he called he told them he was going to kill himself. They told him that they loved him and then he jumped off a 33-story building.
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