Thursday, April 02, 2009

TED talk

This is a crazy little talk from Pretty neat ideas. Listening to talks like this rejuvenate me. They make me want to turn my corner of the world upside down and make it look like I want it too. It also inspires me to continue pursuing my dream jobs of freelance illustrator and/or art director.


Tonia said...

Where is this guy from? When I was working in magazines there was a new one that came out (can't remember the name now) that was suppose to revolutionize the 'zine industry. They paid huge amounts in advertising and I think I decided to carry it only for about 6 months before we canceled. The thing did not sell. Later I found out it tanked everywhere. The whole concept was based on the new design but I think they put a lot into the 'in your face' and not enough into the balance. I like that this guy studied stuff out. Asked business questions and 'borrowed' on architectural balance ideas.

Laura said...

Give power to the designers!

Tyler Davis said...

Tonia-The speaker is from Poland. He's a good speaker.