Monday, June 01, 2009

Illustration Friday

Good news everyone! I'm still alive and drawing some new things. I was thinking and thinking about the topic this week for Illustration Friday. And as I was thinking about it, I asked muh wife about it, she had a good idea that sounded fun, so I drew with it. I mean ran with it. The idea is that MP3 players have really taken over the world and I think that the primate section of the wilderness would really enjoy adapting to the music and music sharing scene. And so, tada, my entry for this week's topic in Illustration Friday.


Coreopsis said...

Nice drawing! I really like the character of these figures...

Tyler Davis said...

Why thank you very much!

Anna said...

I think most monkeys DO listen to Zoons already...

the_JCW said...

Does she ever compliment you?;)
cool work

gJM said...

Very nice, i've been practicing shading with ink and i'm impressed with how you did the hair on these. Well done.

Laura Wegkamp said...

What was the topic?