Good news everyone, I finished another painting. I don't know why I really like pandas recently, but I do. I've been thinking allot about them. The black and white coloring, slow movements, sometimes claws, they are well designed animals.
This particular panda thought when he was a cub, he would grow up to work in the mafia. He was big, he knew that he was tough, he knew also that a staggering amount of money could be made from ill gotten gains. It seemed the obvious career path for a young rebellious cub looking for a way to make it in the world. He had taken some small jobs for a local river cane smuggler to get a feel for the racket. Things looked good until the incident.
His older brother never wanted anything organized in his life, he believed chance and fate were ruling deity over his stay in mortality. Naturally, he took up gambling. With the gambling came money and lots of leisure time. The older brother's life seemed care-free. Even with a care-free life, you should never let your guard down. He gathered too much debt and not quite enough winnings. His creditors didn't like that at all.
The river cane smuggler that our main character worked free-lance thuggery for, happened to be one of his older brother's bookies. When the brother couldn't pay back the smuggler, he sent in a couple of real nasty guys, a one eyed vulture who worked with the disgruntled postal worker Asian rhino. They beat, shaved the older brother like a poodle and dyed him pink.
The older brother survived, but our hero wanted to get back at the scumbags who did this to his family. He decided that to hunt them down and bring them to justice. He caught the hardened criminals. He liked getting the bad guy. He liked the hunt. Criminal work was not for him, he would help find the lost, expose the corrupt, and do it his way. The rigors of being part of the police and the chain of command were things he didn't like. He was his own panda. So he hung up his brass knuckles and became, The Gumshoe.